Monday, July 23, 2018

Jonah - Chapter 1

We've just started a series on the Old Testament book of Jonah.  Some of you might be familiar with the story, while for others this may be your first encounter.  Let me lay the background...

Jonah's story takes place during the time of the kings of Judah and Israel.  Jeroboam II was king when we are first introduced to this prophet of God.  2 Kings 14 tells us that Jonah prophesied that the borders of Israel would be secured from the attacks of foreign nations.  Not only was this prophecy encouraging to the nation of Israel, but when it was fulfilled the people were jubilant.

But then God throws a curve ball.  God instructs Jonah to take a message to the very enemies that had been attacking them, the Assyrians.  And not only to the Assyrians, but to the capital of Assyria, Nineveh.  Well, that was just too much for Jonah to swallow, so he boarded a ship bound for Tarshish, Spain.

Storms on the open sea are normal, but when Jonah's ship encountered a storm sent by God... well, let's just say it brought everyone to their knees.  Jonah, rather than repenting and obeying God's command to preach to the Ninevites, he chose death and told the sailors to throw him overboard into the sea.

You and I face storms in life.  Sometimes they are storms of our own making, sometimes gentle storms to refresh and renew, but then there are the doosie storms that rock our world.  Storms that are designed to drive us back to God.  Storms of correction.  Storms that are meant to get our attention.  God uses these storms to cause us to realize He is our only escape.  Our only salvation.

Jonah thought God would just let him die in the depths of the sea, but God had a plan for Jonah.  And He has a plan for you too.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Sermon Summary - Ruth

Some of the greatest stories ever told are love stories.  I like the ones that have been made into movies.  Some of my favorite include: It's a Wonderful Life, The Princess Bride, & Ella Enchanted.  Over the past few weeks I have had the privilege to share the story of Ruth.

It's a great narrative story that has compelling characters, plot twists, & real life struggles to overcome.  Ruth is a story where we can root for the underdog, cheer for the cast, & find within the manuscript a symbolism of the Redeemer of mankind.

In chapter one we are introduced to the main characters: Naomi & Ruth.  Naomi we are told has left her homeland of Israel for Moab because of a famine.  Once there she experiences great loss: her husband and two sons die.  She is not alone in her suffering; her sons were married.  One daughter-in-law chooses to return home while the other, Ruth, is determined to remain with Naomi.

Naomi and Ruth return to Israel with nothing.  They have no means of support and must resort to relying on the kindness of others.  In chapter two Boaz arrives on the scene.  Boaz is a wealthy relative of Naomi’s.  Scripture says “by chance” Ruth gleaned (harvested grain) in the fields of Boaz, but God plans all things for a reason.  Boaz recognizes the work ethic of Ruth (harvesting from morning to night without rest), and the compassion Ruth has shown to Naomi, and instructs Ruth to continue to glean his fields.  He also provides security and nourishment for her throughout the harvest.

Her loyalty and compassion toward Naomi pays off in chapters 3 & 4.  Ruth, instructed by Naomi, proposes to Boaz that he redeem her.  Redemption is only possible by one who is capable and willing to fulfilling the responsibilities of redemption.  Boaz is just what the doctor ordered.  And by the end of the story we see that God blesses their union and provides a son to inherit and carry on the family name.

One of the reasons this story is so beautiful is that it foreshadows the love story of Christ.  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave is only beloved Son, that whomever believes on Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”  This is the greatest love story of all.  Will you consider receiving the love that God has demonstrated to you?

For more information feel free to contact me @ or call me @ 262-865-8855 (call or text).